
3 Email Secrets the Top Ecommerce Brands Don’t Want You to Know 

 May 20, 2024

By  admin

3 Email Secrets the Top Ecommerce Brands Don’t Want You to Knowd

Working with 10-figure brands has its perks. 

Like getting paid to learn their secret strategies. 

And then get paid more to teach hundreds of 7-figure brands how to do it.

And if you want to know how to roll out my 10-figure strategy, double your clicks and triple your sales, all you need to know are 3 secrets…

Secret #1 – Segmentation and personalization is all that matters. 

Forget copy. That was outsourced to AI back in 2015. 

Forget fancy designs. That’s a bottleneck to launching. 

Forget campaign obsessing. That email is only good for a day.

But never forget this:

Segment out your customer & personalize every message to them.

The big brands are using ESP’s that excel in 1:1 messaging. 

And you can do the same with Klaviyo or Omnisend.

But you’re probably not. Why?

Because unlike the big brands, you obsess over copy and designs.

Because of “branding”.

By the time you perfect, tweak and launch your campaign , the big brands already launched three hyper-personalized emails.

It took you three days to send your perfect email.

It took your competition three hours.

Less execution time, more personalization time.

And those emails convert 3x better.

Segmentation + personalization is everything.

If you want to actually make money from email & SMS, focus on those two strategies above everything.

That’s secret #1 and it’s big.

Secret #2 – Never INVENT a campaign.

If you’re making up email campaigns, you’re doing email wrong.

If you’re not sending multiple emails around one promo – like Memorial Day – you’re doing email wrong.

If you’re searching online for campaign ideas, you’re doing email wrong. 

No self-respecting 10-figure brand guesses at their campaigns. 

They look at data. 

They look at trends. 

They look at customer trends.

And base their calendar around that. 

Which is why you see more emails like this:

  • New Arrivals
  • Best-Sellers
  • Picks For You
  • #Trending
  • Newsletters
  • Monthly Sales (3 to 4 touches of them)

You don’t see “National Take Your Dog to Work Day” or “International Cat Yoga Day”.

Because that’s fake.

And customers aren’t stupid.

If you want to create a campaign calendar that triples sales, do this:

  1. Look at what sold this month last year
  2. Run campaigns around those
  3. Look at your emails from last year
  4. Run the winning campaigns
  5. Add in evergreen emails (that never go out of style)
  6. Add in a sale (like Memorial Day)
  7. Run multiple touches around that one sale
  8. Add in two dynamic emails
  9. Rest of the time, your automations are running every day
  10. Now you have a calendar!

The big brands LOVE when you wing a calendar together from a Google search.

Your customers don’t.

So steal the secret campaign plan of the big brands by NOT faking a calendar.

But only if you want to make money.

Secret #3 – Copy doesn’t matter.

If you’re being sold that copywriting is the tip of the spear when it comes to email & SMS marketing, I have a bridge to sell you.

The top brands use ChatGPT and AI more than you.

They outsourced copy years ago to AI.

I see more and more “email experts” trying to sell people on copy. 

Please don’t bite.

(This email marketing course is worth more than any course out there because it’s a 10-figure strategy.)

Here’s why: brands wan’t people to READ LESS and CLICK MORE. 

And when they land on the website, they want customers to READ LESS and BUY MORE.

Customers on your list have done their homework already. 

They’re on your list because they researched already. 

They know what they want. 

So you don’t need to waste time “convincing them”. 

You need to spend more time positioning the items they want in front of them. 

Less talking. More personalizing. 

Unfortunately, copywriters don’t want to hear this. 

But the big brands know this already. 

Which is why ChatGPT is thriving.

Rule of thumb – excellent copy with low personalization won’t convert. 

Basic copy with excellent personalization will triple your sales. 

So if you want to compete with the brands stealing your customers and your sales, embrace this secret. 

Now that you know the top 3 secrets the top brands use to beat you, ask yourself:

What can I implement NOW to change how I communicate with my customers?

Good news is that you can find a few instant tweaks.

Bade news is that you probably won’t have the time to implement.

Which is why my agency exists and is growing super-fast this year.

Click here if you want to implement the 10-figure email & SMS strategies of the top brands in minutes, not month.

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